Circling Back: A Year in Review- Lessons & Fun-facts

Joshua Ayorinde
4 min readJun 19, 2024


Hey there! Another year has gone by in the second decade of my life. I’ve always desired to write on my birthday, and I’m glad I get to do it this year. As I reflect, I am thankful to God for the past years and for the coming ones. I owe everything I’m becoming to Jesus- for life, for light, and for guidance. Today, I’m sharing a few lessons I’ve learnt especially in the past few years.

  1. You can never outgrow spiritual devotion. The ignorance of God is a luxury one should not afford in times like this.
  2. Always seek growth. Never stop learning.
  3. Use social media positively.
  4. Trust God’s plan. Even when things don’t go your way, find comfort in His guidance.
  5. Relationships are gold. Build quality relationships. Life is better with good people by your side. My greatest support system has come from the relationships I’ve built so far.
  6. Do not ignore nudges. If there’s anything that has to be done, or if there’s a strong nudge to reach out to someone, do it immediately. Don’t procrastinate or ignore. The perfect time you’re waiting for may never arrive.
  7. Start small, grow big. Big goals are achieved through steady progress. Remember, slowly, steadily, surely.
  8. Reach out to your friends and loved ones as often as possible. Life’s activities can make us so busy that we sometimes forget the people who matter to us.
  9. Rest. Rest. Rest. Try dey rest, this life na only one. The reality is that resting feels like complacency especially when work is demanding but good health is underestimated until it’s the only thing that matters.
  10. Grow beyond your comfort zone. Substantial progress often happens when we stretch beyond our present limits.
  11. Time is fleeting. In my opinion, things have never remained the same since COVID-19. Time has moved pretty fast since then. As such, make the most of every moment. Apply for that opportunity, marry that friend, travel to that country. Find joy in the simple things of life.
  12. Generosity does not cost much. Be kind. Give to people. Be complimentary towards others.

To fun-facts

I thought I’d share some fun facts about myself because, if I got $100 every time someone called me a serious or formal person, I’d be a billionaire by now. My friend Ayibanoa mentioned it again two days ago and it made me reflect. I still deny that I’m very serious but here’s what to know about me:

  1. I’m a card-carrying member of the zoo-phobic club (if there’s anything like that). I do not like to touch or interact with animals. Can I eat some of them? Yes! But anything asides that, count me out.
  2. I enjoy reading and writing and I never take it for granted. From newsletters and blog posts to mainstream news and journals, I always find something to read every day. My preferred genres are resources on faith, local and global economy, finance, tech, business, and personal development.
  3. As I grow older, one thing I detest more and more is noise. I love and enjoy serenity.
  4. I love southpaws. I admire people who are left-handed.
  5. I struggle with impromptus. You want me to do something? Give me a heads up ahead of time. Surprise outings? Not my thing. I like to know what’s coming, so tell me in advance so I can plan ahead.
  6. I prefer hard copy books over soft copies. There’s just something about the feel of turning the actual pages of books. And the smell of new books? Bliss.
  7. I can’t dance. I genuinely envy people who can flex their body in split seconds. Sadly, that’s not me.
  8. I’m a people person. Connecting with people is something I truly enjoy.
  9. Unstable electricity, poor network and slow devices are the greatest tests of my patience. If you ever see me ranting, it must be about one of these three or all of them.
  10. I enjoy travelling. Air. Road. Rail. As long as it’s not a stretch and there are breaks in between, bring it on!
  11. Arguments and fights? No thanks. I value peace and quiet too much for that kind of drama.
  12. If I wasn’t into agriculture, economics, or finance, I’d be working with the FBI or CIA, or living like Alma Asinobi, travelling the world.

And that’s where I wrap it. Thank you for celebrating me and taking out time to read this post. If you’ll like to send a birthday message, please email me at An extra fun-fact is that I print and archive birthday emails.

And if you’re yet to know Jesus, know that He longs for you to receive eternal life and become a part of His family. The scripture says:

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved- Rom 10:13

All you have to do is receive the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ by saying a prayer of salvation.

“Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life to you. Wash me clean. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory, I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth, that Jesus is my Savior and Lord. I receive eternal life, in Jesus name, Amen.”

I believe that if you prayed that simple prayer, you have been born again. You are starting with a clean slate, and you have entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Feel free to reach out to me at It would be great to hear from you!

Till another time,

Love and Light.



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